MySkills Australia

Smart & Skilled Funding

Smart and Skilled provides government-subsidised training and higher-level courses to help you get skills to find a job and advance your career.

Are you:

  • 15 years old or over?
  • no longer at school?
  • living or working in NSW?
  • an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, humanitarian visa holder or New Zealand citizen?

If you answered ‘Yes’ to all four questions, you’re eligible for Smart and Skilled training.

Other eligibility conditions

Your eligibility is not affected if you have completed a vocational education and training (VET) course, including a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship, as part of your high school education.

There are also some exceptions to the eligibility conditions described above, such as for Aboriginal people.

Use the Skills Navigator to find a course and check your eligibility.

The Smart and Skilled website also has information specifically for school leavers, apprentices, trainees, employers, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, and students with disabilities. Visit smartandskilled for the most up to date information.

To enrol into a Smart and Skilled program with MySkills please contact our office to be emailed a Pre-Training Review Form, so we can determine your training needs. Once completed MySkills will contact you to confirm your LLN and the start date of your training. Bookings can be made via our website.

You MUST bring with you:

-Photo ID

-Valid USI

-Centrelink Customer reference Number

-Proof of eligibility for Fee exemptions

-Green Medicare Card

Humanitarian Visa Holders

-Relevant visa documentation


What is a USI? The USI is a reference number made up of ten numbers and letters that: creates a secure online record of your recognised training and qualifications gained in Australia, from all training providers you undertake recognised training with will give you access to your training records and transcripts can be accessed online, anytime and anywhere is free and easy to create and stays with you for life. Who needs a USI and why? If you are a new or continuing student undertaking nationally recognised training, you need a USI in order to receive your qualification or statement of attainment. If you don’t have a USI you will not receive your qualification or statement of attainment. Your USI will give you access to an online record of the training you have done since 1 January 2015. You will also be able to produce a comprehensive transcript of your training. This can be used when applying for a job, seeking a credit transfer or demonstrating pre-requisites when undertaking further training. If you are an international student studying offshore and do not intend on coming to Australia to do your study you do not need a USI. However, if you are an Australian expat or resident student studying offshore with an Australian training organisation, you will need a USI. If you are an International student who will be studying in Australia you will require a USI. All international students in Australia will have been issued with an Australian Visa. Once you have arrived in Australia your visa will be activated and you will be able to apply for a USI. To create a USI visit

My Skills has a ‘withdrawal with no penalty’ cut off date of 3 days from enrolment into any Smart and Skilled Full Qualification Program.

Courses available with this funding option