MySkills Australia


First Qualification Fee

Applies to a student who does not already hold a post-school qualification from any tertiary sector (TAFE, private provider or University), and includes any vocational (certificates, Diplomas, Advanced Diplomas) and higher education (degree) qualifications achieved in Australia or overseas previously.

Subsequent Qualification Fee

Applies to a student who already holds one or more post-school qualifications from any tertiary sector (TAFE, private provider or University), and includes any vocational (certificates, Diplomas, Advanced Diplomas) and higher education (degree) qualifications achieved in Australia or overseas previously.

Apprenticeship Fee

Eligible apprentices are exempt from fees when undertaking an apprenticeship under the NSW Government’s Fee Free Apprenticeship. For apprentices who are not eligible, apprenticeship qualification fees are capped at $2,000.

Traineeship Fee

Applies to a student undertaking a traineeship qualification under a traineeship pathway, with fees are capped at $1,000.For more information visit the Apprenticeships and Traineeships page.

Concession Fees

Applies to eligible disadvantaged students who receive a specified Commonwealth Government welfare benefit or allowance. Concession fees are discounted, with flat fees applied across a qualification level.For more information on concessions and exemptions, visit the Smart and Skilled Fee Exemption and Concessions page on the Smart and Skilled website.For more information on Smart and Skilled funding, visit the Smart and Skilled page